Give Your Teeth A ‘Spruce Up’ In Time For Christmas!

Give Your Teeth A ‘Spruce Up’ In Time For Christmas!

It may not be too late for a smile makeover in time for the seasonal festivities.

It is impossible not to have noticed that Christmas is only just a few weeks away. The shops are getting busier and there are more Christmas related adverts on TV.  While it may not be everyone’s favourite time of the year; for most people it is a time to enjoy and that includes not only Christmas itself but also the various parties and social occasions around this time and into the new year.

For anyone looking forward to the parties and meeting friends, old and new, it is a time to have fun and get dressed up to party. Clothes are relatively easy to change of course, but for those who have a discoloured smile, or stained teeth, there is no simple solution that you can easily do at home to change this. This is where the cosmetic dentists at our Canterbury dental clinic can help!

The first step – preparation

Before we move on to the treatments that will improve the appearance of your smile, it is important to ensure that your teeth and gums are in good health. There is little point in whitening a tooth, only for it to break off due to decay soon afterwards. Before you have any cosmetic treatments, you will need to be examined by a dentist in case any work needs doing to restore your teeth beforehand. We also strongly recommend that you have a scale and polish to ensure that your gums are healthy too. This non-invasive procedure alone may improve the colour of your teeth as it helps to remove some surface staining from the enamel.

Once your teeth and gums have been restored to health, we can move on to the treatments that whiten your teeth.

Teeth whitening

The most popular method of whitening the teeth and removing discolouration is the teeth whitening procedure. This is a non-invasive treatment that is fast acting and has a good longevity before needing to be repeated. Some people choose to have their teeth whitened for special occasions and the Christmas and new year festivities would fall into this category. Some choose then to let their teeth return to their former state while others, delighted with the way that their teeth now look, choose to have this treatment repeated when necessary to keep their teeth looking whiter than they were before.

At Bradley and Partners Dental & Implant Clinic we are happy to advise you of the best way forward and to help you plan for either short term teeth whitening or for a longer duration. Whichever you decide, we are sure that you will be very happy with your new and whiter smile.

Generally speaking, this particular treatment works best on mild to moderate discolouration. Those whose teeth are badly stained or discoloured may benefit more from our next treatment.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain dental veneers offer a long lasting solution for people whose teeth are badly stained or who have suffered damage that makes their teeth less attractive. Some people also choose this procedure even when their teeth are not too badly discoloured in order to avoid having repeat whitening treatments. It is important to remember that this treatment does remove part of the natural tooth and can not be reversed so if you are considering this as an option, our friendly Canterbury dentists will be able to offer advice.

Unlike the teeth whitening procedure which whitens your natural teeth, veneers replace the visible affected enamel surface. In order to do this, a fine layer is shaved away from the tooth surface. We then take impressions which are used to make your customised porcelain veneers. As with the teeth whitening procedure, you will be able to choose the shade of whiteness that you require, from a very bright white to a more subtle and natural looking shade.

While the veneers are being produced, you will be fitted with temporary veneers in order to protect your teeth. This is usually only for a week or two and once your final veneers have been returned to us, you will be recalled to the practice and the temporary veneers removed and your new ones fitted using a special dental adhesive. With good care, your veneers may last for up to fifteen years and, despite being more expensive than the whitening procedure, offer good value for money due to their longevity.

A couple of things to remember with veneers especially is that although they are made from porcelain, you should still brush and floss them well. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, although porcelain is stain resistant, some stickier foods could stick to the surface and cause discolouration, and secondly, it is important that you brush ALL of the teeth that have veneers attached. Tooth decay on a tooth with these could cause them to become detached and, if the tooth needs to be filled, you may need to have a new veneer.

Finally, in the very unlikely event that your veneer becomes detached, do not attempt to reattach it yourself using any type of glue. This requires the skills of a trained dentist and a very specific type of clinical adhesive to avoid damaging the natural tooth.

If you would like to discuss having a smile makeover before the Christmas and new year festivities start, why not call Bradley and Partners Dental & Implant Clinic today on 01227 463529. We look forward to helping you on your smilemakeover journey!