Looking Ahead To A Smile Makeover In 2023

Are you hoping to make some changes in the New Year? Perhaps our Canterbury dental team can help?

White teeth smileChristmas is almost here and we will soon be amongst friends and family for a few days. Eventually though, a semblance of normality will return and our attentions are likely to turn to the year ahead and what we want from it. Even if you don’t make new year resolutions any more, it is likely that you will have some idea of things that you want to change. This often especially applies as we become a little older and start to notice changes in our appearance, many of which we would rather not have.

Some aspects of ageing are virtually unavoidable. If we look after our skin and teeth we can probably delay some changes, but they will arrive eventually. Lines and wrinkles will start to appear on your face and your teeth will lose the whiteness that they once had. The latter is often put down to surface staining, which it can be, but the reality is that as we grow older, the inner parts of our teeth darken in colour and it is this that shows through the enamel. This can’t be improved by surface brushing and requires one of the cosmetic dental procedures that we have at Bradley and Partners Dental & Implant Clinic which we will discuss shortly.

Without further ado then, let us look forward to 2023 and see what we can do to help you give your appearance a real boost.

Teeth whitening

The treatment we were referring to above, where the inner part of the tooth is lightened, is, of course, the very popular teeth whitening procedure. The reality is that inner tooth discolouration will not be improved, no matter how hard you ‘scrub’ your teeth. Indeed, you could do significant damage if you try, wearing away the tooth enamel and potentially causing your teeth to become overly sensitive. Even surface staining removal is limited if you rely on brushing alone. Our teeth whitening treatment is both fast acting and effective and will improve the colour of both the inner and exterior parts of the teeth, whitening them by up to eight shades. Even if you are a nervous dental patient, don’t worry, this treatment is both painless and non-invasive, so however anxious you are about your dental visits, you too can have whiter teeth!

Dental Veneers

You might have read the above and thought that is all very well, but my teeth are too far gone for that. This may not be the case and your first step should always be to arrange a consultation with one of our Canterbury cosmetic dentists to discuss your options. Even if it proves to be the case though, you don’t have to put up with discoloured teeth, or even teeth that have chips and cracks in them.  In situations like this, porcelain veneers can be used to, in effect, replace the discoloured or damaged natural tooth enamel. This treatment does usually require a slightly invasive procedure, but the results are very effective and should last for around ten years, providing that you look after them as advised.


One thing that sometimes deters people from having their teeth whitened is that they are unhappy because their teeth are crooked and uneven. Having your teeth whitened may serve not only to look whiter but may also highlight this other issue. For anyone who feels this way, you might wish to discuss with us the various orthodontic options that we have available that can help you have straighter teeth in a convenient and less visible way. The straightening system to be used will depend upon your circumstances and we will discuss this with you. The systems range from fast acting cosmetic ones, where minor corrections are needed, to the very popular Invisalign method which can be used for more significant corrections and is almost invisible, whilst also being removable during mealtimes and when cleaning your teeth.

Facial Aesthetics

Finally, if you are looking to improve your appearance next year, you may wish to consider not just your teeth, but your facial appearance too. With the use of dermal fillers and our facial wrinkle reduction treatments, we can help you have smoother and younger looking skin in the new year. Our facial aesthetic clinicians are highly trained and are happy to help you achieve the improvements that you want. Why not talk to one of the team by calling us on 01227 463529.

We hope that our last blog of 2022 gives you some useful ideas for the coming year. Remember, we are here to help you have a great looking smile, whatever needs you have. As this will be our last blog of the year, please allow us to wish all patients of the Bradley and Partners Dental & Implant Clinic a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!