Four Ways To Whiten Teeth Safely And Effectively

Your local Canterbury dental team offers advice for a whiter, brighter smile

White teeth smileOne of the first things that we notice about people when we meet them for the first time is their smile. This might be in a social or business situation but first impressions are often lasting ones and really count.

Given that having a dull smile that reveals stained or yellowing teeth is not the greatest look and the fact that a teeth whitening procedure is the most popular cosmetic dental treatment, suggests that a lot of people recognise this.

Are dull and discoloured teeth inevitable though? Well, the answer is more complex than a simple ‘yes or no’ answer. In today’s blog, we will take a look at a few ways that you can keep your teeth whiter for longer and what Bradley and Partners Dental & Implant Clinic can do to help when this is no longer possible.

Preventing stained teeth

One of the most obvious causes of stained teeth is what we eat and drink, and also how well we look after our teeth. Some things that we consume probably cause no surprise as to their staining abilities; for example red wine and dark coloured fruits. But even lighter coloured drinks such as white wine or even soft drinks can cause our teeth to stain. This is not only due to any colourings that they might contain, but also that they are often acidic and can cause the smooth enamel surface of our teeth to become worn and rough. This then attracts and retains staining ingredients more easily. Another habit that creates badly discoloured teeth, of course, is smoking. Hopefully we have written enough previously about the harm to your oral health, and general health that this causes, for you to know that you should do all that you can to stop this habit if you currently smoke.

The best way then, to keep your teeth whiter for longer, is to avoid smoking and other teeth staining habits as much as you possibly can. Also, make sure that you brush your teeth well as this will help to remove some of the staining.

Removing staining

Where the discolouration of your teeth comes mainly from surface staining, there is a straightforward way to remove at least a large amount of this. It also has the added addition, and is really its prime purpose, of keeping your gums healthy and preventing gum disease. We are talking, of course, about a ‘scale and polish’ procedure. This treatment, carried out by the hygienist at Bradley and Partners Dental & Implant Clinic is a great way to remove much of the staining in a non-invasive manner. Whether your teeth are stained or not, this should be carried out every six months to keep your teeth and gums in the best health possible.

Teeth whitening procedure

Whilst surface staining is a common problem, it is not the only cause of dull and discoloured teeth. However well we look after our teeth, ageing will cause the dentin area of the teeth that lies below the enamel surface, to start to darken in colour. As it does this, it will show through the translucent enamel and make your teeth look darker and duller in colour, sometimes causing them to appear almost yellow. As this problem doesn’t occur on the tooth surface, a scale and polish, beneficial though it is, won’t change this and nor will brushing your teeth.

At this stage, if you wish to whiten your teeth, a teeth whitening procedure is probably the best option. We will need to examine your teeth first to make sure that they are healthy and also that this is the most appropriate treatment for you. If it is, then we can apply our fast acting and pain free teeth whitening treatment which will whiten your teeth by several shades. Although this does not produce permanent results, it is long lasting and can be repeated as the need arises.

Porcelain veneers

The final option for having whiter teeth is porcelain dental veneers. These are generally used when staining is severe, and a teeth whitening procedure would have a relatively limited effect. They are also often used where there are other problems with the teeth such as chips and cracks. Whilst veneers do require an invasive procedure, it is a great way of restoring teeth that would otherwise not be able to be improved. It also has an advantage over teeth whitening in that the results are much longer lasting, usually in the region of ten to fifteen years or so. Porcelain veneers look entirely natural and are also highly stain resistant although you will need to continue to brush them diligently. This also helps to protect the natural tooth that they are attached to, an important fact in itself.

If you are entering the new year with teeth that you are not entirely happy with, whether because of discolouration, crookedness or any other issue, why not contact us to see how we can help? You can arrange an appointment at our Canterbury dental clinic by calling us on 01227 463529 and our friendly team will be pleased to advise.